Sunday, April 1, 2012

Friday Night, Piccadilly

Today's written part part of the blog is very short for the moment, as I am in Southampton this week. I took this photo in Picadilly Circus (London) on Friday night and got round to processing it pretty quick. Hope you like it and thanks for looking, when I get back later today, I'll have more to write about it.


  1. Nice Pete! Thought you might have cloned out those people though.......... ;-)

    Seriously though, well processed. Love the glow emanating from the horizon.

  2. You've captured the hustle and bustle nicely Pete. Nice sky too.

  3. Love the color and chaos, Pete. And your processing is great!

  4. Thank you so much for the comments, it's kind of taken me by surprise how popular this one seems but glad you all like it and of course it is very much appreciated!
