Thursday, January 26, 2012

Always a Way Out the Woods

Yes perhaps it is a bit of a metaphor on life, but for me this is one of those pictures that has been lying dormant on my hard drive for about 7 months. I remember processing this picture last summer, though being quite undecided about it and hence I have never posted it before. It's just one of those pictures that has grown on me over time, but also makes me miss the fabulous greens of summer! This is actually an area not far from where I live in Woolton Hill, North Hampshire, and it is one of those really boggy woodland areas that had to have this elevated wooden path added because even in the summer it is so wet and boggy. The woodland is actually much denser than the picture perhaps suggests, but I'm happy I managed to capture the sun breaking through between the trees.

This is an HDR taken from 3 shots, and though I can't remember exactly, I'm pretty sure it was largely processed in Lightroom. This was processed in my pre-photoshop days and while I still largely process in Lightroom, back then it was virtually all I did.


  1. Really like this Pete. The wooden path serves as a great lead in line and the sun peering through the trees compliments the scene nicely.

  2. This is really lovely Pete. Great light. I like it a lot.

  3. Nice image Pete. Always a bonus when you find some old material that processes well like this!
