Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mystery Building of Wroclaw

This picture will certainly teach to pay more attention on my visits out and about. Having in the past been a keen history student, I'm normally very good at remembering buildings I see and talking about them, but with so many sights seen in the 1 day I was wandering round Wroclaw in Poland, I needed the help of the internet to find out which particular building this was. And it's failed me big time! Even my last resort of visiting wikipedia has turned up nothing, which is entirely due to their 'blackout' yesterday (cheers guys!). But oh well, as they say, it's nice to have a bit of mystery in life! By the time I post this on Flickr later, hopefully I will have found out the name of the building, but many searches through Wroclaw's visitor sites proved pretty fruitless so I'm not exactly encouraged about finding it soon.

I posted many pictures of Wroclaw on my previous website, so many people will know how much I love this place. Despite my short time there, I picked up immediately on the culture, history and excitement of this city. It really is a rapidly developing cultural city of Poland, and has been awarded the status of being European Capital of Culture for 2016. So if you're ever in that neck of the woods, this is one place you won't regret visiting (note to self: should definitely have been a presenter on 'Wish You Were Here').


  1. What an awesome building! Love old places like that.

  2. Replies
    1. Wroclaw University Library
